QIP-3: The final results of the first community vote of QUSD are published

In order to effectively increase the circulating supply of QUSD and the members of QIAN community. QIAN held the first community vote for new collateral assets token listing.

:dizzy:As of 15:00, December 23, 2020, Singapore time, Qip - 3: The first community vote of QUSD has ended. The community vote results are as follows:

:star: The vote for the Ethereum network, "support all the above tokens" option received 100 percent support.

According to the voting rules: if "support all the above tokens" option gets more than 80% of the votes, or no token gets against vote, all candidate tokens can be listed. That is WBTC, WETC, renBTC, renBCH, renZEC, tBTC, CRV, HUSD, Ren all can be listed.

:point_right: Details of the vote and the results of the Ethereum network

:star: The vote for the BSC network: ā€œAgainst the CAKEā€ received 52.86% percent support and ā€œAgree all above tokens listingā€ received 47.14% percent support.

According to the voting rules: this vote adopts the "vote out mechanism". Community members vote for the token that they oppose listing, and the top 20% tokens with the highest number of votes will be disqualified from listing. CAKE received a 52.86% disapproval rating and cannot be listed. renBTC, ETC, Burger can be listed.

:point_right:Details of the vote and the results of the BSC network

:point_right:Details of the vote